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Sticky Notes Blog

June 3, 2016

10 ways to have fun at work

fun at work

Generation Z and the Workforce

Break the monotony of office routines and uplift productivity with a touch of fun at work. Discover how infusing enjoyment into the workspace enhances efficiency and fosters a positive atmosphere!

  1. Create a humor board. This is a bulletin board space to put up funny articles or comic strips from the local paper. Co-workers can share humorous thoughts and ideas with each other.
  2. Have a success bell. When a sales member makes a new sale or signs a new client, they can ring the bell. Then everyone cheers.
  3. Have pizza or ice cream parties to celebrate sales goals that are met each month.
  4. Create a monthly newsletter for internal use. Add candid photos of employees at work throughout the month, information on the latest news around the office, or even birthday announcements. Then email it to everyone in the company.
  5. Blast a song at 3:00pm in the office everyone Friday. Maybe the “Old time of Rock and Roll” song. Employees can get up and dance or just sing along with the song. This will re-energize employees, and remind them the week is almost over!
  6. Put games in the breakroom. Maybe a ping pong table or foosball table to encourage interaction and fun on breaks.
  7. Encourage employees to personalize their desks. Add family photos, flowers or any other personal mementoes to show their style and personality.
  8. Install a basketball hoop in the parking lot for breaks and lunch time. This will encourage employees to exercise in the middle of the day, which has been proven to have many benefits.
  9. Organize a spirit day once a month where employees are encouraged to wear their favorite sports team attire or dress up in their favorite color. Then take a photo and add it to the internal company newsletter.
  10. Once a quarter have a 30-45 minute meeting that is not work related. For example, hand out juggling kits and teach everyone how to juggle.

Make every workday enjoyable with our tips for fostering fun at work. Elevate productivity and morale by incorporating these strategies into your office routine!

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